Saturday, January 3, 2009

January Days...

We've been having fun in these first days of the new year. My new wet suit makes staying in the water much more comfortable.

The chia plants that my friend Sylvie planted on Stocking Island from our raw food friends' garden last year survived the drought this past summer and are slowing establishing themselves. They need to be cooked prior to eating.

The edible wild is called the Seven Year Apple because it takes along time to ripen. As an experiment, I'm going to put a piece of netting around one piece of fruit that is half black (they're ripe when they're black) so that the birds don't eat it before I can!

Here's a photo from the beach walk that we take most afternoons.

I find the scenery breath-taking.

It was a relatively calm day.

Sargassum seaweed was on special!

We had nine people for dinner and the sprouts were well received.

Plastic tops from peanut butter jars placed under the plastic needlepoint sheets (guage #10) prevent the roots of the baby greens from rotting.

This is what the alph alpha seeds looked like a few hours after I transferred them to the trays from the jar in which I had originally soaked and sprouted them.

Life is good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't tell me you are actually going to make it into the water this year. You go girl!